Lions Mane


  • Row

    by Shawn Porter

    Life is not always too stressful
    just a roller coaster

    Weather goes from freezing cold
    to summer in a roaster

    Work it never goes away
    the tasks are ever changing

    Movies tell the same old tales
    with subjects rearranging

    Politics will drive you nuts
    whichever side you favor

    Music is the only hope
    to give your life some flavor

    Talk about your animals
    your loved ones and your dreams

    Write it, post it, let it go
    row merry down the stream ~

  • Dreaming Grace

    by Shawn Porter

    Forming dreams

    which then are words

    sewn like seeds 

    not so absurd

    the idea that those 

    seeds might grow 

    adorning life

    some one might know

    The garden of 

    a life well lived

    the storms we fear

    bring rains to give

    those seeds to nourish

    patient grace

    one day to love

    thine own true face ~

  • Heart and Mind

    by Shawn Porter

    There are thoughts we understand
    our hearts may never know
    and places of emotion where
    our minds can never go

    Brains are good at figuring
    while hearts can only feel
    when the door between us closed
    the ending felt unreal

    I know why it all went down
    but my heart still cries
    at the ending we composed
    for love that would not die ~

  • May it be so

    by Shawn Porter

    May some great goodness
    grow from this pain
    rise from the ashes
    washed by the rain

    Blown by the wind
    all wizened and fresh
    tatters to weave into
    some living mesh

    Let something new follow
    what now grows old
    May it be true as the
    new day is bold

    May it be beautiful
    possibly sacred
    soul shining bare from
    a body now naked ~

  • The Singer in You (Haiku)

    by Shawn Porter

    A poem is a song

    that someone else wrote for you

    to sing to yourself ~

  • Listen ..

    by Shawn Porter

    to the trees
    quiet and holy

    stay in one place
    grow fast then slowly

    always bend graceful
    bow if the wind blows

    breath in a prayer
    give thanks and let go

    send down your roots
    hold fast to the soil

    in death reunite
    Earth wood body and soul ~


  • Peter’s Gate

    by Shawn Porter

    Pardon all the shitty poems
    some are better left unsaid
    words that form and fall at random
    from my troubled heart and head

    Magically to manifest
    then to vanish in the air
    Leaving you to wonder whether
    someone real was ever there

    Forgive all the sordid details
    of a life t’was lived half blind
    and for those i may have harmed
    but never meant to be unkind

    Days are numbered though we slumber
    heaven will not hesitate
    Should we meet again up yonder
    walk with me through Peter’s gate ~

    Tick fever has me feeling very mortal these days. Have loved this Arlo Guthrie song for many years.. doesn’t get much play, so i hope you enjoy it ~

  • One Wish

    by Shawn Porter

    When one wish remains
    to not die here alone
    i reach for your hand
    before night calls me home

    Until that someday when
    this life bids adieu
    i watch for the faint
    winding path back to you ~

    Authors note: This poem was inspired by a story i heard about a family in Gaza. The children of this family were so traumatized by the violence that their primary concern was to stay together so that if the parents were killed, they would all die together. It is tragic that the US arms Israel, and that Israel uses those arms to kill thousands of innocents.

  • Cradle Grave

    by Shawn Porter

    An acorn fell upon the Earth
    a fertile crack a timely birth
    a cradle that was once a grave
    a sprout, a whip, a living stave

    Growing ever towards the sun
    the sapling sprints ahead to run
    waving in the windy air she
    finds the canopy most fair

    Branching out with every breath
    first the height and then the width
    casting cover blue green shade
    cools the land her leaves to lay

    Filters air with each expire
    haze that drifts far from the mire
    til the sun can shine like silver
    dancing leaves of joy reveal her

    Sets a feast of mast in season
    birds and chipmunks squirrels will seize them
    even humans sometimes able
    find a place beneath her table

    Lays her body down at last five
    hundred years and more have past
    since the sprout unfurled her leaves
    emerged from velvet satin sheaths

    Cradled on the fertile ground
    the place of birth where life is bound
    subtle matrix web of veins
    her memory tomorrow dreams ~

  • Land o lore

    by Shawn Porter

    Land o lore

    faun n flore

    blaze o glory

    ring o fire


    Speak the story

    word for word

    the whisper heard

    above the choir


    Distant voices

    sing together

    let the 12th of 

    never rise


    Line the stars

    Neptune and Mars


    bejewels the skies ~

  • Beneath the Ripples

    by Shawn Porter

    How we sing from
    scattered ponds
    calling from the
    cat tail fronds

    Over where the
    minnows swim
    turtle kin

    Croaks and chirps
    we splash and wiggle
    disappear beneath a ripple ~

    Photo credit K. Jones

  • Haiku Dew

    by Shawn Porter

    Morning walk in dew

    drenched grass ~ greener than the sky

    is bluer than blue ~

  • Day Song

    by Shawn Porter

    Early in the morning there’s a whippoorwill calling the wind
    “hurry up daybreak, wake up the robin and wren”

    Step into the morning light,
    a redtail hawk is singing in flight,
    sky is shining blue and bright,
    the music of Gaia is ringing

    In the afternoon, there’s a daytime moon
    cicadas and crickets are buzzing
    Seven year locusts and bullfrogs croaking
    hummingbirds are humming

    Evening sets in, soft as the skin
    on the wing of a dragonfly
    Heron flies home, high and alone
    frogs in the pond sing bye bye

    Singing songs the morning
    making tunes at night
    humming our way all through the day
    make everything alright, alright

    Moving around in a world of sound
    putting out vibrations
    harmonize and visualize
    peace among all our relations

    Make a new sound, let it abound
    with the energy of creation
    music and play can show us the way
    go without hesitation

    Singing songs the morning
    making tunes at night
    humming our way all through the day
    make everything alright, alright ~

    “Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn, and to sing at dusk, was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated.” ~ Terry Tempest Williams

  • Be a Candle

    by Shawn Porter

    by Louanne Lewis

    A simple candle on a clear dark night
    Can light the way home
    A bright beacon while encased in fog
    Can mislead the mightiest of ships
    Slow down
    Always be a candle
    Let the fog rise up
    And seek the sun.

    Poem and photo ~ Louanne Lewis ~ 2024

  • Sky ku

    by Shawn Porter

    Heavenly gray sky

    Surely is about to cry

    hope the levee holds ~

  • Eating my Greens

    by Shawn Porter

    I’ve lately been thinking
    some deep ruminating
    my brain enjoys color and light

    Thus it occurs all the
    beauty surrounding
    feeds neurons with spectral delight

    More than just pleasure
    there is a good measure
    of sustenance found in these rays

    Photons and waves
    shining into the mind
    transforming the usual grays

    Now when i walk
    i am snacking along
    feeding my head with the scenes

    Indigo violets with
    yellows and oranges
    delicious purples and greens ~

    Photo by Louanne Lewis

  • Cosmic Blink

    by Shawn Porter

    Some collective moment steers

    our planet sun and moon

    Lined up well to cast a veil

    upon the earth at noon

    Happens we might feel a shifting

    of reality

    a cosmic blink

    a solar wink

    a world with eyes to see ~

  • Grand Spring

    by Shawn Porter

    Chase grand spring today. 

    Round the bend, not back again.

    She won’t follow you.

    ~ Haiku by Chico’s Mom (Jolene Rice)

  • Love and Regret

    by Shawn Porter

    A Billy song

    we love to play

    lest our pride

    be in the way

    A speed bump or

    a short delay

    we’ll try again

    another day


  • Just Write

    by Shawn Porter

    How we long
    to be discovered
    Standing in
    our own true light

    Long to be
    uncovered here
    without the fear
    of peering slight

    Yearn to be
    recovered from
    the wreckage of
    our long dark night

    Pray to be
    uplifted with
    the grace of heavens
    help we might

    Rise up from our
    hiding place to
    find and face
    our selves to write ~

  • Rainwashed

    by Shawn Porter

    Diamond droplet afternoon

    rain washed glory

    rising moon

    Wind is singing

    cold spring tunes

    Summertime will

    be here soon ~

  • Moon Queen

    by Shawn Porter

    Queen of my dreams

    tis late so it seems

    we may never cross 

    paths in this life

    Like stars we have found

    there is no one around

    to orbit our 

    clear burning light

    Spinning through space

    a glance at the face

    our twin flame we 

    missed long ago

    ‘Tis fate to shine on

    rise up with the dawn

    either side of the 

    silver moon shadow ~

  • Penumbral

    by Shawn Porter

    Last night the Earth slid
    behind the moon’s shadow
    as if disappearing might
    offer a sign

    That something lay hidden
    beyond the horizon
    celestial bodies
    inspire and align

    Looking toward heaven
    a silent prayer uttered
    words drifting lay on the
    fertile wet ground

    May all beings thrive in
    the world thus created
    all hearts be nurtured
    our planet surround

    Precious lives teeter
    a cliff edge serrated
    carefully stepping
    together we’re bound

    A ship on the ocean
    the liminal crossing
    a new world awaits as
    our hearts come unwound ~

  • Tall Trees Sing

    by Shawn Porter

    Let ether zing
    and tall trees sing
    of a love that is
    strong as the tide

    As planets align
    distant stars shine
    the moon hides
    the sun in our sky

    Look to the heavens
    our spiritual leavens
    the bread of our
    bodies to rise

    One day to gaze
    through fire and haze
    the ephemeral light
    of your eyes ~

  • Fault Lines

    by Shawn Porter

    Friends who then marry
    may thus fall between
    cracks become wider
    than some common dream

    As such my family
    here soon became
    two cats, a dog, and
    a horse with no name

    Still i hold onto
    my old rowdy ways
    counting the hours
    the number of days

    Walking alone beneath
    blue skies sublime
    learning to read
    the most obvious signs ~

  • Nature loves courage

    by Shawn Porter

  • Come Play ~

    by Shawn Porter

    A poem from another friend writer (Chico’s Mom) who also blogs on WordPress. Great poem with interesting characters !

    Zorro on a walk ~

    Jesse McReynolds ~
  • A Smaller Moon

    by Shawn Porter

    The moon is getting smaller
    farther from us out in space

    Time she has her way with Luna,
    laughing in her face

    “You think that you can fool me Moon?
    No one stops the time!”

    (even though its movement is
    marked only in your mind)

    How far can we see ahead,
    and how deep down within?

    The answer lies within the tides
    and drives the howling wind ~

  • To Die For

    by Shawn Porter

    Here is what i’ve seen..

    that nothing dies easily

    No human, nor insect

    no forest, nor river.

    We fight to hold on

    to stay one more day

    drinking the pure light.

    This body will die

    this planet may too.

    If only i knew

    how to die like you ~

    In memory of my friend Len D.

  • Bearing Witness

    by Shawn Porter

    Bearing witness
    try to see
    what motivates

    What it takes
    to one day wake
    and tend the
    burning fires

    Focused far from
    where we are
    the spaces
    in between

    Down the road
    a heart i’m told
    lies waiting
    in the wings

    Stain of red
    upon the heart
    a drop of blood
    or wine

    Sit a spell
    and listen well
    gently mark
    the time ~

  • Ode to a Hearth

    by Shawn Porter

    Early in the 

    still dark morning

    life it calls for 

    some small fire

    first the candle 

    then the stove

    our conversation 

    well inspires

    Agreements and 

    decisions burning

    tilt the damper 

    stem the flow

    Cracks and pops 

    mirages turn

    the spells we murmur 

    cast a glow

    Words grow heated 

    as we forge 

    a truce to carry 

    on the flame

    Light the darkness 

    warm the home

    as life and light are 

    much the same ~

  • Circles Round the Sun

    by Shawn Porter

    The world is burning

    ever turning

    circles ’round the sun

    tilted wobble

    humans hobble

    til the day is done

    Deep inside a

    warrior ‘bides

    waiting for the call

    to stand and fight

    to be the light

    aware the night will fall ~

  • Footnotes

    by Shawn Porter

    Understanding languishes

    compassion we might hide

    gossip walks the commons


    find what truth abides

    Summon up the courage 

    looking far beyond the veil

    see what holds

    the heart to love

    the rest is sure to fail ~

  • Hogs

    by Shawn Porter

    Wild hogs rummage in the darkness

    leaf mulch turned and scattered

    Disappear with morning light

    behind the earth is tattered

    Feral packs of hungry pigs

    are ravaging the forest

    eating everything in sight

    grunting out their chorus 

    Countless are their numbers here

    with no end yet in sight

    As we slip and slumber 

    hungry creatures roam the night ~

  • Spring Cleaning

    by Shawn Porter

    February passes by
    lifting dead and dreary
    days of winter weather leave us
    feeling tired and weary

    Into March we slide and tumble
    deep freeze left behind
    under foggy skies a jumble
    peas begin to vine

    Cleaning up the detritus of
    tattered remnants spread
    leaves and limbs in piles to burn
    or compost here instead

    So the seasons turn and cycle
    spirals of becoming
    live and die as we revisit
    lessons well worth learning ~

  • Ginseng

    by Shawn Porter

    Round the mountain on the mossy side,
    Where the trees lean n’ the lands a slide
    Underneath the oak and paw paw tree,
    There’s a 4 prong root just waitin for me

    My names ginseng I’m a little shy,
    don’t often see the clear blue sky
    Favor growin out in the old growth wood
    little bit of ginseng does a man good

    Ginseng grows on the mountainside,
    Ginseng knows just where to hide
    Aint nothing fancy and it don’t grow tall,
    Hunt for your ‘sang in the golden fall..

    Yellow root medicine grows nearby,
    cohosh knows where the ginseng lies
    glows like gold in the afternoon,
    dig it in the fall ‘neath a wanin’ moon

    Scatter those seeds all around,
    put a piece of root back in the ground
    come back in another year or 3,
    ginseng grows a family

    Down in the holler by the kissin tree
    Ginseng far as the eye can see
    Underneath the bluff where shadows fall
    i can hear my lover call

    Lay her down in a bed of leaves
    Trillium trills and the bloodroot bleeds
    Hardwood singin in the mountain breeze
    Diggin that ginseng on my knees

    Ginseng grows on the mountainside,
    Ginseng knows just where to hide
    Aint nothing fancy and it don’t grow tall,
    Hunt for your ‘sang in the golden fall..

    Original song lyrics ~

  • Tick Tock

    by Shawn Porter

    One more morning
    up at four
    looking for the
    hidden door
    leading to
    another realm
    where dreams and
    life can both be held

    One more day to
    roam the land
    looking for your
    outstretched hand
    or a voice to
    call my name
    yet all i hear
    echoes refrain

    One more night
    to cross the dark
    listening for a
    lonely heart
    Beating time like
    some old clock
    that might need winding
    lest it stop ~

  • Word Spring

    by Shawn Porter

    River running low and slow

    tis almost going dry

    Flowing seeping underground

    away from human eyes

    Up above the land is waking

    harbingers of spring

    Robins in the meadow hunting

    flowers opening

    First the daffodils and lilies

    forsythia behind 

    then wildflowers riotously 

    bogle heart and mind ~

  • Music Medicine

    by Shawn Porter

    Music for me as

    a struggling artist

    one half is craft but

    the rest is catharsis

    I might discover more

    beauty in sharing

    a loving heart fueled

    with a penchant for caring

    Possibly leave more

    excesses behind

    Appease and appeal to

    my old worried mind

    Weaving these songs with

    a bright common thread 

    sew holy music and

    wage peace instead ~

  • Orions Reply ~

    by Shawn Porter

    Orion hunter of the sky

    poised your bow is drawn

    Constellation floating high 

    forever hunting dawn

    Should you let your arrow fly

    to pierce the heart of night

    Or fall upon your sword to die

    and finally be the light ~

  • Capella

    by Shawn Porter

    Bright Capella
    she goat of light
    twin stars of the night
    gathered to lodge
    in the temple of the gods

    Cold winter timeless rites
    Cailleach veiled from sight
    come sunrise promise of life
    warm the Earth with light

    Imbolc fires the dawn
    Brigid lights the flame
    Inspiration, breath of spring
    Turn the wheel again

    Strips of hide, whips aside
    chasing down the prize
    stag or doe, friend or foe
    starlight for eyes

    Beltane wet and fertile
    Solstice turns the tide
    Lammas marks the harvest
    Samhain, summer dies

    Bright Capella
    she goat of light
    twin stars of the night
    gathered to lodge
    in the temple of the gods


    I wrote this song in 2011.
    It refers to Seasons, Solstices, and
    cross quarter days.
    Capella / Amalthea is a binary star
    that was once the North Star.

  • Sweet Grass

    by Shawn Porter

    Sweet grass braid

    an alter laid

    a memory in kind

    Faces fade

    love parades

    exits from the mind

    Set alight the 

    holy smoke

    rises and dissolves

    Flames are quashed

    spirit washed

    my restless soul

    revolves ~

  • Round Robins

    by Shawn Porter

    A flock of robins
    grazes in
    the meadow
    most intently

    Hunting bugs they
    listen close to
    find what they
    cannot see ~

  • River Path

    by Shawn Porter

    Somewhere between joy and grief
    between the ties that bind
    lies a path into the wood
    beyond the musing mind

    If you follow it will take you
    down along a stream
    waters calm and flowing
    wordless as a shining dream

    Some will only take a drink
    while others will dive in
    wade along the shallow shoals
    to watch the minnows swim

    Either way the river pays
    no heed to those refreshed
    washes worry calms the soul
    allows a pilgrim rest ~

  • Moon Song

    by Shawn Porter

    First quarter moon
    she’s a sliver of light,
    a sickle of stardust,
    a scythe in the night
    a crescent so fertile
    she sings to the Earth
    let your seeds all awaken
    your dreams give birth

    For the moon changes
    while we’re all sleepin’
    so quietly nobody knows
    in the dark of the night
    when you can’t see her light
    she’s turning through all our shadows

    Around second quarter,
    seeds rise from the ground
    bees in the blossoms where
    the honey is bound
    there’s a hen sittin’ pretty
    a rooster just crowed
    daffodils poppin’ from
    the bulbs that we sowed

    For the moon changes
    while we’re all sleepin’
    so quietly nobody knows
    in the dark of the night
    when you can’t see her light
    she’s turning through all our shadows

    She’s coming on full as
    the coyotes call
    she rises up over the mountain
    deep in the night
    her quicksilver light
    pours oe’r the land like a fountain

    Fruit on the vine and
    a bottle of wine
    a song for the earth and her kin
    then somewhere near dawn
    with a sigh and a yawn
    we lay as the night sky spins.

    Third and fourth quarter
    fall quiet in line
    she’s rising now well after midnight
    Roots reachin’ down
    where the water is found
    swellin’ the melons til they’re just right

    After 28 days
    the cycle is full
    the moon spirals back to begin
    the darkness gives way
    to the light of the day
    the nighttime recalls her old friend ~

    Original song lyrics

  • Catch and Release

    by Shawn Porter

    What of dreams
    that might come true
    waiting for a
    song from you

    Notes align
    we reach again
    grasping for a
    whisper wind

    Love’s a fish
    the river cold
    tis hard to hook
    much less to hold

    And well to notice
    from the start
    what e’re we catch
    will one day part ~

  • February Rain

    by Shawn Porter

    It wasn’t very long ago
    in February certain
    never rain but blowing snow
    would fall and drop the curtain

    In a recent change of late,
    what comes down is sleet
    spilling from a cloud of slate
    in waves of pelting sheets

    Everything is changing very
    quickly now it seems
    Winter sleet and rain,
    then comes summer..
    where went spring?

  • A Following Heart

    by Shawn Porter

    I never try to tell my heart
    what to do or say
    but listen for it whispering
    a new verse every day

    I never tell it where to go
    and neither when to leave
    Any passerby can see
    a heart stitched on my sleeve

    It welcomes me to sing out loud
    and say things that i feel
    Dances in the rain while
    planting flowers in the field

    Lays a hand upon a friend
    a kiss upon their face
    leaves the door unlocked at night
    for someone, just in case ~

  • To Lay me Down

    by Shawn Porter

    Lay my body
    down to sleep
    Wrap your words
    around me keep

    Fingers touch my
    pulse runs deep
    You’re so far
    away I weep

    Come and turn
    my world around
    Make a smile
    from every frown

    Hold me by my
    feet and shake me
    Maybe you can
    yet awake me ~

  • Dig Deeper

    by Shawn Porter

    Dip a bucket
    in the well it
    clangs and hits
    the bottom

    All the water
    has run dry as
    words escape

    Wishing for a
    drink of wisdom
    maybe one
    more poem

    Dig a little
    deeper just be
    careful not to
    fall in ~

  • Down the Line

    by Shawn Porter

    So you find yourself awaking
    in the current of your life
    rising from the darkness
    making for the light
    a river courses through your blood
    the water holds you tight
    let her ripples swaddle you
    and rock you through the night

    Find your feet and go one more time
    for these seeds you’ll sow in a broken line
    dreams you carry pray grow
    pass your love
    pass your way
    down the line
    down the line

    River stones painted bones
    minnows float and swim
    crystal drops of sparkling water
    soak into your skin
    sun and shadows mix with
    the cold springs that flow
    then you lay on the rocks
    let them warm you from below

    Find your feet and go one more time
    for these seeds you’ll sow in a broken line
    dreams you carry pray grow
    pass your love
    pass your way
    down the line
    down the line

    Take the drum you painted
    as a child I did not know
    play the song you started
    so many years ago
    feel the rhythm of the saints
    as they go marching in
    with the wisdom of the water
    and the howling of the wind

    Find your feet and go one more time
    for these seeds you’ll sow in a broken line
    dreams you carry pray will grow
    pass your love
    pass your way
    down the line
    down the line ~

    Original song lyrics

  • Path in the Hollow

    by Shawn Porter

    Imagining a place of pleasure
    living beauty without measure
    from the river to the seas
    land of mountains, fields and trees

    Standing tall against the wind
    a refuge we can shelter in
    a bounty when the seasons call
    sets a feast before the fall

    Waters run clear blood of Gaia
    circulate and cool the sky
    roots and shoots without a sound
    flowers bursting from the ground

    Imagine sitting there together
    contemplate the 12th of never
    come with me and we will follow
    bird song echoes in the hollow ~

  • To Drink the Sea

    by Shawn Porter

    Sometimes you
    wash over me
    a thought
    a feeling
    then the sea

    Waves from nothing
    but your words
    someone might think
    thats absurd

    We know better
    you and i
    love is boundless
    as the sky

    ties that bind
    quantum leaps
    this heart of mine

    Atoms spin
    within loves flame
    a steady warmth
    around your name

    Through my body
    up and down
    you fill me up
    I drink you down ~

  • Timber

    by Shawn Porter

    No one saw the nut that fell
    and lodged in the Earth
    nor the sprout that would foretell
    the story of rebirth
    but that hick’ry whip it grew
    into a mighty tree
    over many generations,
    reached the canopy

    Drank the sun and rain;
    let the wind sing through her leaves
    held tons of CO2 in her
    graceful wooden body
    cast her shade upon the ground
    a shelter from the storm
    many nests she held in her
    strong branchin’ arms

    She was the oldest hickory
    in Newton County
    a home up in the sky
    for one and all
    a bounty of mast
    when summer was past
    a golden torch in the fall

    Timber! Timber!

    No one knows how old she was
    when she hit the ground
    first a crack like thunder
    then she’s coming down
    The bird songs were silent
    an eerie quiet fell
    the landscape where a forest stood
    now looked alot like hell

    Timber! Timber!

    And the oldest hickory
    in Newton County
    lay there still and dead
    on the ground
    Traded for some dollar bills
    and a bumpy ride to an old sawmill
    that old hickory just got cut down

    Timber! Timber!

    No one knows exactly where
    that hickory lumber went
    boards and pallets, floors and mallets,
    baseball bats and chips
    Still i don’t see anything
    we make compares at all
    to the glory of that hickory
    turned golden in the fall

    And the oldest hickory
    in Newton County
    How many hundred years
    she held her ground
    til a man came along
    with a sigh and a saw
    and cut that hickory down..

    Timber! Timber!

    Original song lyrics ~ 2022

  • A Well of Words

    by Shawn Porter

    Dropping a bucket
    down into the well
    This hole deep inside me
    ‘tween heaven and hell

    A cistern of longing
    is this human being
    The bucket resembles
    a golden bell ringing

    It clangs in the morning
    and sometimes at night
    keeps me awake until
    first morning light

    Sometimes the water is
    cloudy and brown
    That gets poured out
    on the merciful ground

    When it runs clear it
    can quench any thirst
    Just a few swallows
    will wash away hurts

    I water the garden pour
    some for the birds
    A splash on my face from
    this deep well of words


  • Words Unspoken

    by Shawn Porter

    I’m guilty of something
    but what i can’t say
    tis my imagination
    keeps running away

    Catching you up as
    our passions embrace
    a thousand miles distant
    and barely a face

    Words have a way to
    seep into our lives
    down through the cracks left
    by husbands and wives

    Tears are gold filling
    of crevices broken
    repairs a vessel with
    words yet unspoken ~

  • A Kiss of Words

    by Shawn Porter

    Words can be like kisses

    kindly laid before the door

    knocking softly on the heart

    of someone we adore

    If we dare invite them in

    removing coats and shoes

    confessing words undressing

    bare our bodies for a muse

    Slipping through our lips we find

    at length the words have fled

    Leaving only bliss behind 

    beloved hearts are fed ~

  • Dear February (Act 3)

    by Shawn Porter

    New moon spinning wildly
crusted snow lay on the ground
    Silver plated bluffs that shine
    with velvet pine for crowns

    The river sings a waking
    lullaby across the land

    Frozen spears of water falling
    crashing quite unplanned

Mountain towers casting shadows
    greenish blue and gray
    Hardwoods furred with purple buds
    stand ready on display

    Beech and maple finally shed
    their copper leaves remaining
    New buds pushing soon to open
    nothing left restraining

    O dear February every
    year we aim to row
    your bracing waters
    bank to bank
the roiling river flows ~

  • Dear February (Act 2)

    by Shawn Porter

    Today might be your coup de gras’
the chill of you so brutal
not since last years cold assault

    did living feel so futile

    Not to stall nor disappoint
    I look to find some grace
    break the frozen water trough
as snowflakes pelt my face

    A waking awareness of
    how fragile life can be
    and how indifferent nature
    when she finally comes for me ~

  • Dear February (Act 1)

    by Shawn Porter

    O dear February every
    year we aim to row
    your bracing waters
    bank to bank
the roiling river flows

    Chilling wet
    but still inviting
    should we take the dare
    brave the coldest crossing
    having paid the winters fare

    Winded limbs exhausted
    as we gain the farther shore
    Winter fades in memory
    the seasons turn once more ~

  • The Ride

    by Shawn Porter

    I could offer you a ride
    a ticket to the sunny side
    to find the opposite of pain
    ere’ the ball swings back again

    A ticket for to quell your grief
    a pill that offers some relief
    a union that will never die
    in arms where you can ever lie

    But promises like these confound
    forever is so tightly bound
    hopeful language of the heart
    a body sings and then departs ~

  • 20/20 vision

    by Shawn Porter

    I dreamed a high and holy day

    shining bright and blue

    then i dreamed a living circle

    standing next to you

    Built a fire within the center

    as the sun sank low

    logs and branches blazed and burned

    orange and red aglow

    Through the night we sang our hymns

    the host was passed around

    the stars aligned, the planets turned

    life spoke through every sound ~

    Daily writing prompt
    Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end.
  • The Kind that Matters

    by Shawn Porter

    Fantasy is like a rope
    it seldom bears your weight
    If you take a hold and swing
    to fall is surely fate

    Dreams are somewhat similar
    but maybe more like ladders
    One rung at a time we climb
    to see what truly matters

    Plans are visions of a future
    that we hope to view
    God may laugh, the futile task
    that shapes the work do

    Brave to be a simple soul
    and leave small works behind
    A man once said, “dreams are for beds..
    live simply and be kind” ~

  • A Thread of Hope

    by Shawn Porter

    High and thin

    a thread of light

    floats the wind

    and drifts from sight

    Hope it tries

    to touch the strand

    reaches out 

    an empty hand

    Grasp the silken

    rainbow string

    as if it were 

    a golden ring

    Tied secure

    to someone firm

    We leap and fall

    what e’re we learn ~

  • Witch Hazel

    by Shawn Porter

    Come late winter days
    scent lingers in the air
    carried up the river to
    this high valley fair

    An odor so sweet
    pungent and strong
    it always is present
    a subtle belonging

    Too early for rosebud
    or honeysuckle vine
    but no less inviting
    and no less sublime

    I wonder the blossom
    that sends out these notes
    of moonlight and rainbows
    on winds fair afloat

    Where does the bloom
    show herself in her glory
    morning and evening
    i ponder whose story

    is told by the essence
    a scent on the wind
    wild flower hunting
    I’ll go once again ~

    Pear blossoms in spring ~

  • Morning Breaking

    by Shawn Porter

    Early morning darkness lays
    an egg that sits unbroken
    the life inside the bird that hides
    with songs as yet unspoken

    Watch with me upon this fragile
    shell of life protecting
    hope of love this precious dove
    is born of deep connection

    Nurture well the dream that swells
    and struggles to awaken
    colored plumage soft and strong
    as morning light comes breaking ~

  • I saw Heaven

    by Shawn Porter

    Oh Babe
    ain’t no lie
    We’ll see heaven
    ‘fore we die
    Streaming in the
    twilight skies
    gleaming in
    your loving eyes

    Hiding in the
    songs we played
    afternoon hot
    summer days
    Heaven sent comes
    without warning
    birdsongs in the
    early morning

    And at night
    around the fire
    farther up the
    river, higher
    Crossing pastures
    green and golden
    aura’s shine lo
    and behold them

    Holy mother
    bless my soul
    sing that good
    old rock n roll
    kiss the dirt
    i saw heaven
    here on Earth ~

  • Grief and Praise

    by Shawn Porter

    Oh dear broken hearted one
    let your life be not undone
    grief is but the other side
    of joy and neither are denied

    Ride the waves and ocean swells
    drink the potion true love sells
    sleep with angels overhead
    cast them mourning from your bed

    In the moment carpe diem
    rainbows shine if we could see ‘um
    only after all has fallen
    lift your eyes to beauty’s callin’ ~

  • Imbolc

    by Shawn Porter

    In the Northern hemisphere

    new life swells in season

    crossing quarter days ahead 

    birthing rhyme and reason

    Pregnant ewes and dormant pulses

    winters darkness ripens

    longer days and warming rays

    of sun invites new life in

    Such is why the dreams that lie

    within us o’er the winter

    call us to midwifery

    as time nears to deliver

    Bring new life into the world

    with thoughtful word and song

    Spring is just around the bend

    we sing for all we long ~

  • One of These Days

    by Shawn Porter

    One of these days,
    i’m gonna be an old oak tree

    gonna stand in one place
    let the wind whistle through my leaves

    Send my roots down deep
    draw the water up through my knees

    Make some shade and
    a home for the birds and bees

    One of these days
    I’m gonna be a drop of falling rain
Floatin in the clouds
    rolling thunder over the plains

    Headed for the mountains where
    her majesty touches the sky
Shine like a diamond
    fall like a tear from your eye

    One of these days
    I’m gonna be an ancient rock of age

    Buried in the ground sittin
    still like a wise old sage
Gonna carry real weight
    be as solid as a thing can be

    Waitin for the rain
    underneath an old oak tree

    One of these days
    I’m gonna be everything that I am

    With the grace of heaven
    gonna to rise to my feet like a man
Love my brothers and my sisters
    just as much as I can

    One of these days
    I’m gonna be everything that I am

    One of these days
    I’m gonna be an old oak tree ~

    (Original song lyrics i wrote around the time of my Fathers passing)

    Or maybe an old cedar!

  • An Unholy Trinity

    by Shawn Porter

    As a young child i was
    taught about Jesus
    Part God and part man
    deceased but still sees us

    I also recall how he
    rose from the dead
    ascended to heaven
    and lives there instead

    The whole thing confused me
    beginning to end
    The father, the son, and
    a ghost in the wind


    My Dad was so busy
    for most of my life
    chasing his second and
    then his third wife

    I grew up looking
    for love in a bed
    music and mantras
    a buzz in my head

    Heaven on Earth was
    my own holy grail
    wandering flesh with
    some wine in a pail


    Religions divide us
    as our nation crumbles
    crowning orange Jesus
    America fumbles

    Good Lord have mercy
    on sinners and clowns
    as men without morals
    would burn the world down ~

  • Orbital Frequency

    by Shawn Porter

    You are the center
    my orbit delights
    circling you in the
    darkness of night

    A blue and green planet
    a hot molten ball
    an asteroid burning
    and ready to fall

    The gravity now
    overwhelming my spin
    my mineral blood pulled
    towards your magnetic skin

    There i am certain
    to undergo fusion
    a flashing of light
    exploding in union

    A crashing arrival
    tsunamis in waves
    our flesh becomes one as
    your Earth is my grave ~

  • A Muse in You

    by Shawn Porter

    Over some horizon lives
    a woman fine and fair
    sugar sweet upon her lips
    wild flowers her hair

    Smell of forest follows her
    and ocean tides that pull
    draws me closer to her edge
    my thoughts of her so full

    Mysteries lay hidden under
    neath her cloak and dress
    calling me in whispers ere
    my love i must confess

    Be my muse and let me use
    your beauty in my quest
    for love that lives forever
    must exist outside of flesh ~

  • Trim your Wick

    by Shawn Porter

    Keep your wick trimmed and burnin
    keep your powder dry and yearnin’
    Let your life be for the learning
    rolling thunder in a dream

    Just before the dawn comes creeping
    darkest hours are for keeping
    whether ecstasy or weeping
    walk the path that lies between ~

  • Ode to a Phone

    by Shawn Porter

    An ode to those

    on their devices

    cultivating avarices

    not that we might

    need more vices

    tis a slope as

    slick as ice is

    Here am i this

    bag of bones

    flesh and blood

    and random stones

    My restless spirit

    longs to saddle

    up the horse and

    we’ll skedaddle

    Farther from

    the techno world

    where brains and dreaming

    stirs and swirls

    Driven by old

    fossil fuels

    a rip tide pulls

    a ship of fools ~

  • Touching Stories

    by Shawn Porter

    Reading your stories
    a window of sorts
    riding along on
    my dark purple horse

    Esther tells Oscar
    her deepest of thrills
    Perhaps we both know what
    they deeply must feel

    And how they each have
    their own walls in the way
    hearts desires beating
    their lives through the day

    A thousand miles more
    to imagine such glory
    the hope of love living
    inside touching stories ~

    (Thank you J.R. aka Chico’s Mom)

  • All in the Family

    by Shawn Porter

    I wake in the heart of
    a cold winter night
    pick up my paper and
    pencil to write

    Words on a page fall like
    leaves from a tree
    in uncertain order
    reveals whoa is me

    Genus and species
    an artist unfolds
    poems and songs each
    one longs to be told

    The days and evenings
    I pass here at home
    a horse and three cats so
    i feel less alone

    Rather a part of
    my animal clan
    they love and forgive me
    for being a man ~

  • A Wondering Heart

    by Shawn Porter

    I wonder what she’s thinking 
    with words she sends like winking

    and what to read between the lines
    where stars ejaculations shine?

    Aiming flaming flowers blooming
    like two birds aloft and swooning

    falling stars in ecstasy
    i wonder if she feels so free?

    She might fall in love with me
    while thinking “this could never be”

    and too, i wonder what she’s feeling
    while her past is slowly healing

    from the trauma of unkindness
    brought on by another’s blindness?

    Does her heart remember touching
    laying still and open wide

    will she ever brave the moment
    letting someone else inside?

  • Winter Queen

    by Shawn Porter

    Come winter Queen

    this cold dark night

    with her crystal

    blade of ice

    Cutting through 

    these earthly veils

    life reminding

    death prevails ~

  • The Scarf

    by Shawn Porter

    Cleaning out my fathers house
    an old scarf left in there
    Plaid and blue of Cashmere wool
    one he loved to wear

    Hanging in a wardrobe at the
    house where he once lived
    Stumbled on while packing up
    his rites the last to give

    As the winter deepens i now
    wrap it ’round my face
    Breathing in the scent he left
    outside his resting place

    Walking out into this winter’s
    frigid snow and wind
    Wearing his old scarf i feel
    I’m not so far from Jim ~

  • Earth Prayer

    by Shawn Porter

    Oh creative force of life

    which cast this rock in space

    hear my prayer my urgent plea

    for intervening grace

    Let these human figures know

    our lives are intertwined

    Planetary wellness is the

    key to be aligned

    With thy holy thought and word

    the Earth is but a gift

    offered for our sacred work

    to desecrate is grift ~

  • Goodbye Song

    by Shawn Porter

    Did i hear your

    voice today

    walking by the river?

    Turned to face you 

    looked away 

    slowly disappearing 

    Calling out you 

    briefly paused and 

    then resumed 

    your walking

    Further from the 

    path we shared

    your silhouette 

    was shrinking

    Still i see you 

    now and then

    poised on

    some horizon

    Facing towards 

    the setting sun

    singing a 

    goodbye song ~

  • Here~ether

    by Shawn Porter

    Here i find you 

    in the ether

    lovely reader 

    friend be mine

    Let us walk


    pathways leading 

    true and kind

    Casting petals 

    strewn we wander

    down the starry 

    mountain way

    Now and then 

    become our bodies

    flesh and bone

    to live some day

    Soon the path 

    will disappear

    beyond horizons 

    lost from sight

    Walk as if this 

    life were morning

    death will follow 

    sure as night ~

  • Flowers and Dirt

    by Shawn Porter

    I send her flowers
    she sends me dirt

    I send her poems
    my petaling flirts

    She tells me no, that
    she’s not that type girl

    I propose gently we
    give love a whirl

    She says i’m flighty
    unable to land

    I tell her maybe
    if she’d hold my hand

    We might could tether
    the sky to the Earth

    Forever love sings of
    tomorrows rebirth ~

  • Merry Go Round

    by Shawn Porter

    Lately aware that both
    pleasure and pain
    are not very different
    but more of the same

    See saw within us that
    goes up and down
    we clamor to ride on
    the merry go round

    Saddled up high on
    our old wooden horses
    with no way of stopping
    their circular courses

    The highs and the lows that
    we hold to so dearly
    Back and forth swinging
    we look very cheery

    But just like the face of
    the carnival clown
    The smile that we wear often
    covers a frown ~

  • New Moon Spins

    by Shawn Porter

    New moon spinning
    dark and low

    Frigid winds cold
    rain and snow

    In the end
    you never know

    This is the


    Snow falls heavy
    deep and still

    Covering the
    land it will

    Soften colder
    nights as well

    Winter now
    is bringing

  • Middle Way

    by Shawn Porter

    Sitting still this

    quiet gray 

    warm afternoon

    mid winter day

    Critters scattered

    ’round and ’bout 


    cats call

    one wants out

    Thoughts meander

    stream and burble

    deep and quiet

    ‘neath the willow

    Sunset welcome

    by days end

    the middle way

    the river bends ~

  • Meteors

    by Shawn Porter

    Poems are my streaks of light
    Meteors across the night

    Illuminated yearnings play
    Words that burn to have their say

    What lies hidden in plain sight
    Look up! Fireballs in the sky 

    Flaming arrows love excites
    To let another fly i write ~

  • Stigmata Errata

    by Shawn Porter

    Each to ones own blessed 
sincere stigmata
    scars from the years we 
swing like a piñata
    blood on the tracks 
always telling me not to get
    caught on the bridge when that 
midnight train rolls through

    There goes ole Casey Jones 
driving his Choo Choo
    I’m on my horn blowing 
whoo Peggy Sue Sue
    She’s busy making that 
jelly roll sing sing with
    me on cloud nine but I can’t keep from crying ~

  • Who’s There?

    by Shawn Porter

    The heart is a door of sorts
    into ones life
    some parts well hidden
    plain others in sight

    Kindness the latch
    trust is the key
    in order to view
    what drums
    inside of me

    Under the duff is dirt
    treasures and trash
    the stuff of a life
    lay concealed
    ‘less you ask

    Knock the wood frame or just
    ring the old bell
    Is anyone home with
    good stories to tell?

    Blood rare occasions
    come, two fit inside
    Here by the hearth
    where confessions abide

    A box in the closet
    a plum on a plate
    a song to be sung
    a fire that can’t wait

    A body with stories
    of fortune and fate
    A wrong turn back there
    (oh, I can relate!)

    Exploring our past we speak
    with mindful presence
    Bowing to find that we
    share the same essence ~

  • All the Pretty Horses

    by Shawn Porter

    In between waking dreams comes reality
    there’s a place horses grace the landscape that i see
    like a living bridge they cross the world of fantasy
    underneath a starry sky, horses carry me.

    All the pretty horse running with the wind
    over plains and mountain ranges flying again
    All the pretty horses following the sun
    over the horizon they gallop one by one.

    Over there, golden mare, rainbows end
    tell me stories, never tell the end
    sweet companion sing a song so true
    dreaming horses I’m riding next to you

    All the pretty horse running with the wind
    silk manes, feather flames rise and fall again
    All the pretty horses following the sun
    over the horizon they gallop one by one.

    Oh to live among the horses, fair as horses come
    make a home above a meadow where the horses run
    all the pretty horses, real as dreams can be
    even as i wake i wonder, will they carry me?

    All the pretty horses ~

    Original song lyrics 

  • My Astral Lover

    by Shawn Porter

    She lives on a mountain

    a few miles away

    follows the cosmos

    the planets plie’

    At night we abandon 

    our bodies and fly

    Together we cross

    o’er the starry night sky

    In thoughts and in dreams

    we dance and make play 

    Under auroras

    bare naked we lay

    Bodiless love

    travels light and with speed

    Feelings and thoughts 

    with no flesh to impede

    We’ll wake and then wonder

    how come we’re alone?

    From the mountain to the valley

    our love is our home ~

  • Don’t Turn Away

    by Shawn Porter

    Pondering the latter days
    my past is there reminding
    should i look away from you
    is worse than any blinding

    Whether you are dearly loved
    or possibly unknown
    the man out in the freezing cold
    the dog without a home

    Let me just remember when
    i want to turn away
    to hold the gaze and let my breaking
    heart show me the way

    To see the common spark of life
    that every being tends
    to cup my hands around the flame
    and shield you from the wind ~

  • The Threshold of Dreams

    by Shawn Porter

    To live on a threshold
    is no minor task
    there’s work to be done here
    like cutting the grass

    The leaves may need raking
    to keep the path clear
    in case you might someday
    be wandering near

    The passage may need some
    fresh paint or repairs
    All the while watching..
    hello? who’s there?

    Strangely enough the
    gateway is too wide
    for one persons body
    just two, side by side

    No pulling or pushing
    no “go it alone”
    The threshold of dreams is
    the door to a home

    I sweep and then ponder
    the steps in-between so
    I might catch a glimpse
    through this liminal seam

    A figure quite distant
    walks down the lee shore
    as i remain here
    by this well hidden door ~

  • Teach me

    by Shawn Porter

    Teach me how to better love you
    let me get it right
    show me how to be with you
    across the darkest night

    Teach me how to celebrate
    the pearl that grows from pain
    Gratitude my attitude
    and joy for my refrain

    Teach me how to hold you close
    and how to let you go
    Show me where to place my hand
    to feel what we both know

    Teach me how to speak your language
    lest i fail to hear
    Your thoughts in cadenced lyric
    whispered softly in my ear

    Teach me how to see the beauty
    eyes alone might miss
    The colors in your kindnesses
    the brilliance of your kiss

    Teach me how to love you,
    how to cross the space between
    Let me in i’m knocking on
    the doorway of a dream

  • Murray Meadows

    by Shawn Porter

    When the sunshine greets the morning
    light falls on dew covered fields
    leaves of brown blanket the ground
    ‘neath trees like memories still

    hollows hide behind wooded curtains
    boulders stand guard at the edge
    roots hug the earth, and deep springs emerge
    as the sun walks over the ridge

    Time passes slow here
    the rocks have their stories
    years upon light years away
    carved in beauty with generous glory
    in the glens and fair meadows of Murray

    Travelers lost have found homes here
    claimed by the land to Staymore
    as in a dream each wanderer seems
    to have no recollection before

    finding a way to this valley
    coming from some other world
    now we live here with the owl and the deer
    and the river calls out to Staymore

    Time passes slow here
    the rocks have their stories
    years upon light years away
    carved in beauty with generous glory
    in the glens and fair meadows of Murray ~

    These are the lyrics to a song i wrote ~ SP

  • Her Golden Harp

    by Shawn Porter

    Her golden harp

    a blessed loom

    she only plays 

    a holy tune

    i feel her body

    touch her strings

    hear the sacred

    song she sings

    Sensing raptures


    her golden harp

    still beckons me ~

  • Feast of Light

    by Shawn Porter

    When winter pulls the curtain closed
    on autumns final song

    We slide our way to shorter days
    and nights that last too long

    Come December icy mornings
    walking towards the East

    Countless prisms catch my eyes
    the frost has left a feast

    multi colored spectrums dance
    within the light of day

    sun rays shine to feed my mind
    as darkness fades away ~

  • First the Spark

    by Shawn Porter

    First the spark

    and then the flame

    The slow burn of

    her lovely name

    The smell behind 

    her hidden ear

    The soft skin under

    ‘neath her hair

    One day met

    another misses

    One day she

    returns my kisses

    Stars in spiral 

    motions dance as

    love desires

    another chance ~

  • All the Years

    by Shawn Porter

    All the years

    behind me with

    some moments 

    still ahead

    Pallets on 

    the charnel ground

    where every

    journey led

    One took over 

    eighty years

    another took 

    just four

    Either way the 

    path it vanished

    going through

    the door

    The passage between

    night and day

    like that of 

    death and life

    Has me waking

    early, sitting

    watching for

    the light ~

  • The Spring

    by Shawn Porter

    You seem yourself

    to be a spring,

    a font of living water

    Your flow and form 

    your gentle bearing

    Mother natures daughter

    I kneel and cup my 

    hands to catch your

    effervescent  dance

    Bring you to my 

    lips and swallow

    life and light entranced

    Tomorrow i’ll awaken,

    after dreaming land so fair

    Sing about a mountain 

    and a spring emerging there.

  • Dry Steps

    by Shawn Porter

    Remember winters when we took our
    walks along the frozen stream?
    Marbled ice upon the surface
    crystal waters in between

    And we, so slow and careful crossing
    even though the ice would creak
    Both of us like snakes we slithered
    crawling on our hands and feet

    Most days I still walk alone
    some silent spirit by my side
    The air is just as cold, but now
    the frozen river has run dry ~

  • Learning to Drive

    by Shawn Porter

    I almost remember

    my learning to drive 

    my father who taught me

    less how to survive

    All of the coming 

    and going became

    a job in itself

    the driving insane

    Near misses life flashing

    front of my eyes

    The crashes that taught me

    the wailing and cries

    A learning that served 

    not much purpose beyond

    when things don’t go well 

    one can always move on.

    Daily writing prompt
    What is your all time favorite automobile?
  • Mistress Moon

    by Shawn Porter

    You woke me from my sleep with
    your caress of liquid light..
    Beckoned that i come into
    your temple of the night

    I turned to find you floating high
    a sailing silent orb
    Watching as you drifted by
    my lair beside the river

    Far above the land and water
    crossing East to West
    Rising with the morning star
    Venus shining best

    Did you dream of me, or was it
    I who dreamed of you?
    Shadows fall illumined by
    your light, my mistress moon ~

  • Words

    by Shawn Porter

    I overheard you speak in tongues
    with words that rang so true
    I wondered how you learned the language
    one i also knew

    Syllables of deep connection
    caring for the land
    underneath the dialect
    your gentle heart and hand

    The music in your voice well carried
    in your thoughts displayed
    connections in between the lines
    that natural humans made

    Now i’m waiting for your voice
    a thousand miles to cross
    with nothing but words on a page
    to keep from getting lost ~

  • Apparition

    by Shawn Porter

    In the dark morning

    nearer to night

    she comes to me going

    arrives in mid flight

    stopping while moving

    hidden in sight

    letting go holding

    i fall toward her light

  • Ode to the Moon

    by Shawn Porter

    Mid winter moon was 
    so brilliant last night
    Sailing her way ‘cross 
    the clear n’ cold night
    Casting her glow over 
    mountains and fields
    Calling me out with 
    her silent appeal
    Rise up and wander! 
    Sing to me now!
    The morning will come and 
    you may forget how!
    I’ve entered your darkness 
    and cast wide the door
    Let your heart open
    your wild spirit will soar.

    ~ Winter Solstice 2018

  • All She Gave

    by Shawn Porter

    Sunset skies 

    azalea highs,

    chartreuse clouds of

    purple flames..

    Forest leaves of 

    metal flaking,

    colors psyche

    delic rain.. 

    Fires to warm

    until the spring

    although their brilliance 

    slowly fades..

    The forest floor 

    at last receiving 

    all the beauty 

    that she gave..

    Littered thick 

    upon the Earth 

    trees leave flowers 

    on her grave..

    Tho’ the colors 

    fade and fall

    in nature’s beauty 

    she is saved ~ 

  • She *

    by Shawn Porter

    Never one to separate 

    nor carelessly divide..

    Creator took a part of me

    a bone from deep inside..

    Planted it down in the ground

    then gave it room to grow..

    Woman rose up from the Earth

    and beckoned that we go..

    Down the winding path we ambled

    out into the sun..

    Reuniting bone and body

    man and woman

    one ~

    * I’m unsure the exact origin of this story beyond its placement in Genesis, but appreciate the story for its poetic inspiration and thought provoking imagery.

  • Learning to walk

    by Shawn Porter

    I’m learning to walk

    my dog through the door

    the liminal gate

    we’re both headed for..

    She ventures forward

    showing the path 

    i’m close behind

    not sure i will last..

    I fear i will lose her

    ahead in the fog

    walking her home

    just me and my dog.

    Daily writing prompt
    What skills or lessons have you learned recently?
  • A mountain, a valley, the stars, and you

    by Shawn Porter

    I cannot see the

    sky to the East.. 

    a curtain of trees 

    blocks my view..

    Only the westward 

    horizon unfolds..

    a mountain

    a valley

    the stars

    and you ~

  • City of God

    by Shawn Porter

    I want to visit the city of god

    just over the next rise

    past the graveyard

    past the church

    past the hollow eyes

    A valley where

    a stream runs clear

    beneath the whispered pine

    eagles soar on thermals

    lifting o’er the anticline

    A city with no road to drive

    no car, no bike, no wheel

    no place to go

    i’m here you know

    this, my last fair deal ~

    Daily writing prompt
    What cities do you want to visit?
  • Bones

    by Shawn Porter

    Any good poem is

    only the bones

    what is essential

    to drive the nail home

    Peel away all of the

    flesh and the skin

    nothing to keep honest

    words from their kin

    Any good poem will

    speak of the essences

    strip away everything

    leave only presences

    Any good poem is

    only the bones

    chew off the meat

    drink up and 

    go home ~

  • 4 am

    by Shawn Porter

    Four in the morning

    i rise from my bed

    unable to sleep, so

    i write you instead

    to tell you of something

    my lips cannot say

    excepting this poem

    that might wind its way

    into your mind and

    then to your heart

    these words on a page 

    a fire i might start

    to burn off the chaff

    in the brown fields of winter

    to leave the ground ready

    the word farmer enters

    each sentence a seed 

    gently planted and covered 

    to one day find growing 

    you here my dear lover 

    sew deep in the clover ~

  • The softness of scars from inside of cars

    by Shawn Porter

    I watch you

    going past 

    one day

    driving off

    then stopping..

    Slowly rolling 

    back my way 

    i see your

    window dropping..

    Face to face,

    the past encases

    feelings soft 

    and still.. 

    The crossing place

    the bottom

    of an Ozark 

    mountain hill.

  • Don’t Let Go

    by Shawn Porter

    Hold this smooth one

    in your hand

    color of blue steel..

    not too heavy

    not too light

    hard but soft to feel..

    Not too large and

    not too small

    a size per

    haps just right..

    Fits within your

    open palm

    as moon fits 

    in the night..

    Put me in 

    your pocket

    let me anchor 

    deep your yearning..

    Hold me when

    the world is spinning

    fingers ever turning ~

    Stone tool made by a Native American ancestor

  • The Garden Way

    by Shawn Porter

    An extra introverted day

    the quiet path

    the garden way

    i think of you

    and feel your sway

    against me

    leaning in 

    We fall to earth

    like seeds we land

    the furrow wet

    the gentle hand

    the fecund dirt

    the shining sand

    we die to live again ~

  • Et al

    by Shawn Porter

    To write to you

    six times each night

    and six more times

    each day

    to find a path

    into your life

    as if i knew the way

    to walk across

    the words like

    stepping stones

    into your heart

    these sentences

    like dreams are strung

    each paragraph

    a *

    that you might look

    into the sky

    some dark and

     cloudless night

    to gaze across 

    the milky way

    and see my

    distant light ~

  • Red Clay

    by Shawn Porter

    Red clay I’m made of

    runs deep like a vein

    holds fast to my footprint

    marks well where I’ve been

    Pulls out the poison

    and carries the pain

    back to the soil 

    from which we all came

    Stiffens the break

    like plaster applied 

    shaped by the hands

    hard as stone when i’m dry

    Mixed with straw twixt 

    stones and sticks 

    pressed and daubed

    a house or a chimney

    the breath of me draws

    My sister is yellow

    my brother is grey

    my mother magenta

    in layers we display

    The flesh of the earth

    compressed over ages

    red clay runs deep in these

    letters on pages

    ~ w/ gratitude to L. Lewis

  • Coyote Tale

    by Shawn Porter

    Cold and clear, still winter night

    Ozark mountain moon

    wood stove creaks, the fire burns bright

    coyotes howl in tune

    Yard dogs perk their ears and rise

    joining in the song

    howling to their kin of old

    the tribe from which they come

    Listening, i wonder if

    the people of this land

    who fished and hunted, lived and died

    would better understand

    And what if we, the people now

    could hear them sing and drum?

    Would we stop and join the song

    then watch for them to come?

    By daylight would we wander looking

    for our kin of old,

    sniffing trails and checking scat

    so fresh as not yet cold?

    And if our friend or cousin

    chose to wander off for good,

    would we hear their voices

    on a full moon in the wood?

  • La Lune

    by Shawn Porter

    La Lune she shines upon our nights

    laughing crone in silver light

    crying tome and totem sight

    weaving wise tomorrows

    The sun will rise the morning swell

    break the silence like a bell 

    crack the day just like a shell

    and celebrate our sorrows.

  • Gaia’s Tongue

    by Shawn Porter

    The glow of dawn

    turned cold and grey

    rough and hard

    and still she lay

    when dusk was near

    an owl appeared

    the dark sky broke

    and Gaia spoke

    Opened her lips

    upon her pink tongue

    a silver pearl

    the moon was hung

  • Eternities

    by Shawn Porter

    Your poem reminds

    the planets and stars

    have their own courses

    we see from afar

    Eclipses, conjunctions

    nebula nova

    the heavens a journey

    star walkers follow

    Our compasses hidden 

    the needles in swing

    quivering where

    it cannot be seen

    Across the skies

    and over the seas

    beyond our sight 

    eternities ~

    Photo Credit – Kristin J

  • Mycelium Running 

    by Shawn Porter

    From the spore

    mycelium grows 

    with every 

    dew and strain


    entangled forms

    nets of silver 

    gilt and chain

    Dining on 

    both waste 

    and ferment

    sipping on 

    some last decay

    tracing shadow 

    paths it follows 

    fuses into 

    silver skeins

    When the web 

    can hold no more

    the life in death 

    at last proclaims

    fruit of darkness



    in the pouring rain

  • A World with Eyes

    by Shawn Porter

    On holy ground

    our kindred thrived

    built and planted

    lived and died

    So sang the Dead

    we will get by

    our dancing bones

    a world with eyes

    Photo credit – Kristin J

  • Hear

    by Shawn Porter

    I first learned to sing

    in order to tether

    the present, the past, 

    and future together

    I carried the note

    as strong and as steady

    with thoughts of a day

    when i might be ready

    to spring from the pew

    and take to the stage

    clothed with the grace

    of cedar and sage

    my songs being scent

    to remind who is near

    loves divine mystery

    alive and well

    hear ~

  • Ode to Dirt

    by Shawn Porter

    Ode to the Earth

    the ground where we kneel

    so we might look up

    the sky to reveal

    the blooming of flowers

    the falling of rain

    the song of the sparrow

    the flash of lightning

    then one day become

    the substance of dirt

    thus turns the circle

    renewal rebirth

  • Fog and Clouds

    by Shawn Porter

    Fog and Clouds

    ride up the valley

    roaming dragons

    gossamer skeins

    breathing out 

    the forest sighs 

    falls the blessed

    summer rains.

  • How the day started

    by Shawn Porter

    Dim morning light reveals 
    two snow white heads
    dark bodies perched
    in the tree still and staid

    Waiting for sunrise
    and thermals to ride
    Searching for whatever
    kills they may find

    Below a small pond
    reflects dim morning skies
    Two otters fishing
    a man passes by

    Breaking the ice for
    the horse to have water
    He turns toward the house
    and so the day started ~

  • The Sky Today

    by Shawn Porter

    What do you make of 

    the sky today?

    Veins and pains 

    from far away

    Geese are flying 

    in good order

    bracing high 

    above it all

    pushed along 

    by seasons changing


    spring and fall

    Sleepless nights 

    above the Earth

    with piercing songs 

    they honk and call

    aiming south

    ahead of winter

    flying trumpets

    rise and fall ~

  • Approaching Wild Animals

    by Shawn Porter

    When facing wild lions

    don’t look in their eyes

    appear to be busy

    distracted and shy

    leave a small offering

    someplace nearby

    then back away slowly

    don’t run

    or you’ll die.

  • Lion at the door

    by Shawn Porter

    From the moment i saw you

    i set to my fences

    to keep you some distance

    and locate my senses

    i saw there’s no roof

    no ceiling or floor

    no glass in the windows

    no lock on the door

    a stream in the ether

    the color of truth

    and birds flying home

    to some high mountain roost

    The language is strange,

    the words and the songs

    Is there more to the story?

    For what do you long?

    Tell me that tale,

    and sing the whole score

    but please, do it soon

    there’s a lion at the door.

  • Remember to be kind

    by Shawn Porter

    Matrices and pathways

    lead through images that shine

    touching nodes 

    the heart that knows

    of places to unwind

    people are but

    flowers with our

    roots all intertwined

    gardens of diversity

    this life is of one mind

    remember to be kind ~

  • Lions Mane

    by Shawn Porter

    A cold morning walk

    in the crisp beech wood

    a grandmother tree 

    lay still and prone

    Beneath her decay

    sits lions mane 

    an egg upon 

    its earthen throne

    Into my bag

    and to the kitchen

    this medicine 

    connection finds

    Fruit of death

    the path 

    the tree 

    the mushroom grows

    to feed the mind 


    our kind ~